Do LGBT/QIA+ prefer a Gay Couple Counsellor?

Hangers Anyone? Evelyn Giggles

15 Feb, 2021Blog, Sexuality

Choosing your Ideal Counsellor.

LGBT Therapy: Choosing a Couple Counsellor

LGBT Therapy: Choosing the Right Therapist

For gay, lesbian bisexual or mixed-sexuality (MOM) couples who are deciding to take their relationship to a couple counsellor, who they choose may be a major decision.

Something not often considered by our straight counterparts is: “do we go to someone who identifies with our sexual orientation [and/or gender identification]?” (aka a gay couple counsellor).

The counsellor’s orientation may be an important choice when considering who suits the couple best. Does even being gender-agnostic factor into the couple’s decision?

Does a couple elect for working with a gay counsellor, a counsellor who is an LGBT/QIA+ ally, or doesn’t it matter provided that the couple counsellor is capable of working effectively with their particular form of relationship?

And how does that counsellor demonstrate having capable skills?

Gay, Not Gay, Does it Matter?

This article on was written by John Sovec, LMFT and may give all gay and lesbian couples some food for thought.


In the article John covers such topics as: do the couple choose someone who is gay, is the couple’s own identity strong enough to work with someone different to them, are the qualifications of their couple counsellor sufficient (and how to tell), and does the counsellor keep their own sexuality away from the couple (for whatever reasons: therapeutic or personal).

The counsellor also needs to be aware of the specific mental and emotional health needs of LGBT/QIA+ couples: AIDS/HIV, Internalised Homophobia, Prejudice etc.

Seeking a Gay Couple Counsellor?

When you’re a couple seeking your own couple relationship counsellor (works online: Zoom Skype etc), look no further than on this very website: Dean Richardson MNCPS (Accred/Reg).

Dean specialises in gay couple therapy, along with all kinds of diverse couple & group relationships (see menu above for info). Dean is a British counsellor now into his 26th year, specialising in couple counselling for LGBT/QIA+ intimate and platonic relationships.


Gay Male Couple
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